
Specialize in teaching Mandarin Chinese as a second language, YESMYMANDARIN offers fast and enjoyable courses to the students all over the world, and the courses will give excellent results whether for business or for pleasure.

We carry out a clear analysis of your needs: what your goals are, what situations you want to master and what skills you need to build on. This means that teaching is tailored to your personal language goals.

By interacting with native speaker instructors continually and understanding the people surrounded, you will be immediately submerged in your new language. You learn faster and your learning progress is significantly greater than in bilingual teaching sessions.

To achieve a balance between fluency and accuracy of expression, we give you the opportunity to practice the language freely. As you do so, we provide you pointers and tips on how to improve and you gain the essential confidence needed in using structures and in expressing yourself.

Our training teams work with you at all stages to ensure that your training is highly productive, rewarding and enjoyable. You can be sure that you will receive a fantastic service and success which come from our experience.

    Look forward to showing you what we can do for you. Contact us for more information.

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